Donate to us

We thank you in advance for your valuable donations.

To make a donation to Live to Love UK:

Gift aided:

Non-gift aided:


How your money will be spent:

We are raising funds for:

  • Life Release
  • Live to Rescue: Animal Sanctuary Project in Ladakh
  • Live to Light: Eye Camps in Kathmandu and Ladakh
  • Child Sponsorship at Druk White Lotus School
  • Educational Support for Druk White Lotus School
  • Support the work of Live to Love UK

Please use the buttons on the left to donate online, or you can send a cheque, payable to Live To Love Society (UK), to:

Live to Love Society (UK)
114 Harvist Road 
London NW6 6HJ

If you wish to make a bank transfer please contact us for our bank details.


If you are an individual UK taxpayer please make your payment with the Gift Aided button and Live To Love UK will be able to reclaim tax on your donation, making it worth nearly a quarter more to us, at no cost to yourself. (Note that you must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the total tax that Live To Love UK and other UK charities, reclaim on your donations in each tax year, ending 5th April.)

For more information on Gift Aid, please visit:

If you are not resident in the UK and/or do not pay UK income tax and/or capital gains tax, please make your payment with the Non Gift Aided button